“Individualism and the “Moral Imperative” of Climate Change Discourses,” Panel: “Religion: Solution or Problem?”, European Association for the Study of Religions, Gothenburg, Sweden, Aug. 2024 (paper accepted, but unable to attend).
Panelist & Chair, Podcasting is Pedagogy Roundtable, Teaching Religion Unit, American Academy of Religion, San Antonio, TX, Virtual Meeting, Nov. 2021.
Respondent, Author-Meets-Critics Panel: Christopher R. Cotter’s The Critical Study of Non-Religion: Discourse, Identification, and Locality (Bloomsbury Academic, 2020), Nonreligion and Secularity Research Network, University of Ottawa, Virtual Meeting, June 2021.
“The Myth of Difference: Individuation, Hybridization, and Americanization,” Religions in America Unit, Southeastern American Academy of Religion, Athens, GA, Feb. 2020.
“Principles of Pedagogy: Thinking with Smith in the Introductory Classroom,” Thinking with Jonathan Z. Smith Conference, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, June 2019.
“America and Its Catholicisms: Complicating the Rise of an American Religion,” Religions in America Unit, Southeastern Commission for the Study Religion, Greenville, NC, March 2019.
“Passing as American: On Immigration, Whiteness, and Identity Construction in Late 19th Century United States,” Method and Theory Unit, Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion, Atlanta, GA, March 2018.
“Free to Be Like Me: Constructing Freedom in the Public Sphere,” Freedom of (and from) Religion: Debates Over the Accommodation of Religion in the Public Sphere, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA, April 2015.
“Shifting the Focus: Understanding the Teller Behind the Tale,” Religion, Archaeology, and the Law Panel, Rocky Mountain Great Plains Region, American Academy of Religion, Omaha, Nebraska, March 2015 .
“Mind the Gap: Shifting the Focus of Discourse on Myth,” Undergraduate Research in Method and Theory of Religion Group, Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion, Atlanta, GA, March 2014
“Manufacturing ‘American Islam’: On Inclusivity and Domesticating ‘the Other,’” Guest lecture for the “Religion in the Public Sphere: Topics, Theories, and Methods” MA Seminar, Institute for the Study of Religion, Leibniz University Hannover, Dec. 2024.
“‘Translating Difference’ and Thesis Proposal Writing,” Presentation/discussion for MA Colloquium Seminar, Institute for the Study of Religion, Leibniz University Hannover, Apr. 2024.
“Regimes of Belief,” Guest lecture for RELI 101: Introduction to Religious Studies, Department of Religious Studies, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Aug. 2021.
Panelist, JPE 610: Putting the Humanities PhD to Work with Katina Rogers, Jones Program in Ethics, Laney Graduate School, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, March 2021.
“Immigration and American Catholicism,” Guest lecture for HC 505: History of Christianity in America, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Feb. 2019.
“What Makes Yoga Religious?: On Definitions and Classification,” Guest lecture for RLST 2400: Religion in Contemporary Society, Dept. of Religious Studies, University of Colorado Boulder, Nov. 2015.
Panelist, From Hobby Lobby to Mauna Kea: Engaging Religious Diversity and Religious Freedom in the Classroom, the Campus, and in the Courts Roundtable, Building the Road Map: Diversity and Inclusion Summit, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, November 2015