- Ellsworth, Jason W. M., and Andie Alexander (eds.) (2024). Fabricating Authenticity. Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing Ltd.
Zeitschriftenartikel und Artikel in Sammelbänden
- Alexander, Andie (2024). “America and Its Catholicisms: Complicating the Rise of an American Religion,” Bulletin for the Study of Religion.
- Alexander, Andie (2024). “‘A Good Fake or a Bad Fake?’” In Jason W. M. Ellsworth and Andie Alexander (eds.), Fabricating Authenticity, 112–116. Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing Ltd.
- Alexander, Andie, and Jason W. M. Ellsworth (2024). “Afterword: A Little Heritage Goes a Long Way.” In Jason W. M. Ellsworth and Andie Alexander (eds.), Fabricating Authenticity, 164–177. Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing Ltd.
- Ellsworth, Jason W. M., and Andie Alexander (2024). “Introduction: Commodifying Authenticity.” In Jason W. M. Ellsworth and Andie Alexander (eds.), Fabricating Authenticity, 1–15. Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing Ltd.
- Alexander, Andie (2023). “Principles of Pedagogy: Thinking with Smith to Re-vision Our Systems of Training.” In Barbara Krawcowicz (ed.), Thinking with J. Z. Smith: Mapping Methods in the Study of Religion. 181–93. Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing Ltd.
- Alexander, Andie, and Aaron W. Hughes (2023). “Mapping the Future of Smith’s Legacy: A Conversation.” In Barbara Krawcowicz (ed.), Thinking with J. Z. Smith: Mapping Methods in the Study of Religion. 219–28. Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing Ltd.
- Alexander, Andie, and Russell T. McCutcheon (2017). “‘I’m spiritual but not religious.’” In Craig Martin and Brad Stoddard (eds.), Stereotyping Religion: Critiquing Clichés, 97–112. Bloomsbury Academic.
- Alexander, Andie (2017). “Clashing Allegiances: The Practicality of Constructing National Identity.” In Steven Ramey (ed.), Fabricating Difference, 69–76. Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing Ltd.
Bulletin for the Study of Religion (now defunct):
- Sept. 2016: “The Problem with the Primacy of Primary Sources” (reposted from Studying Religion in Culture blog)
- Apr. 2016: “Revolutionary Love: Scholars Respond to the AAR’s 2016 Conference Theme: U Colorado Graduate Students”
Culture on the Edge:
- Mar. 2021: “Fabricating Genres”
- May 2020: “Universalizing ‘English’ Football, Part II”
- May 2020: “Making Football English, Part I”
- Apr. 2019: “On the Spot with Andie Alexander”
- Feb. 2019: “Teaching ‘Just the Facts’”
- Feb. 2019: “Real Cheese and the Eucharist: On the Rhetoric of Dietary Restrictions”
- Jan 2019: “‘Guess Who?’: A Game of Differentiation”
- Dec. 2018: “‘A Good Fake or a Bad Fake?’”
- Oct. 2017: “When You Don’t Look the Part”
- Mar. 2017: “Green, St. Patrick’s Day, and the Politics of Identity”
- Mar. 2017: “Language Games: On Neutrality and Hijab”
- Mar. 2017: “Indexing as Meaning-Making”
- Feb. 2017: “The Politics of Activism: On Rhetoric and Power”
Queen’s School of Religion Blog:
- Feb. 2017: “What Holiday is Next?”
Sowing the Seed:
- Oct. 2016: “The Bible, Race, and Indigeneity: A Response”
- Apr. 2016: “Rethinking American Religions: Failing to Explain America or Continually (Re)Shaping It?” (Partial post; edited for length by blog curator)
Studying Religion in Culture:
- May 2017: “The Conference: A Response”
- Dec. 2016: “And must it leave when you have gone away?”
- Oct. 2016: “On Immigration, Identity, and White Privilege”
- Oct. 2016: “It’s Fall, Y’all”
- Sept. 2016: “The Problem with the Primacy of Primary Sources”
- Sept. 2016: “Home, Sweet Home”
- Sept. 2016: “Stereotyping Gender: I’m 100% Masculine”
- Feb. 2016: “Classification Matters: Mindfulness in the Classroom”
- Sept. 2015: “The Effects of ‘Bad Religion’”
- Jun. 2015: “You don’t know what that means!”
- Jun. 2015: “Is It Really About the Color?”
- Nov. 2014: “‘It’s what makes Thanksgiving Thanksgiving’”
- Jun. 2014: “It’s Andie, with an ‘ie’”
- Jan: 2014: “Experience is in the Eye of the Beholder”
- Jan. 2014: “The Modernity of History”
- Sept. 2013: “Mind the Gap”
Culture on the Edge:
- “Identity or Identification?” with Craig Martin, Russell T. McCutcheon, Monica R. Miller, K. Merinda Simmons, Leslie Dorrough Smith, Steven Ramey, and Vaia Touna,
The Religious Studies Project:
- “Harm, AI, and Religion | Discourse! June 2023,” with Craig Martin and Paul-François Tremlett
- “Charting the Playful & Proper Study of Religion,” with Sam Gill
- “Navigating the Discursive Study of Religion,” with Teemu Taira
- “Shifting the Focus of Graduate Education in the Study of Religion,” with Carmen Becker
- “Unruly Women: Neocolonialism, Race, and Discrimination,” with Falguni A. Sheth
- “Curanderismo Roundtable,” with Israel L. Domínguez, Brett Hendrickson, and Jennifer Koshatka Seman
- “Ukraine Invasion, Philippine Elections, and Misinformation | Discourse! March 2022,” with Paul-François Tremlett and Daniel Gorman, Jr.
- “The Critical Humanist Study of Islam,” with Khurram Hussain
- “The Strange Charm of Gnosticism,” with David G. Robertson
- “Religious Symbols, Secularism, and Culture Wars,” with Matt Sheedy
- “Deconstructing ‘Religion’ in Contemporary Japan,” with Mitsutoshi Horii
- “How Critical Race Theory became a Moral Panic | Discourse! June 2021,” with Ishanika Sharma and K. Merinda Simmons
- “On Human Remains | Discourse! May 2021,” with David G. Robertson, Breann Fallon, and David McConeghy
- “Conspiracy Theories, Public Rhetoric, and Power,” with David G. Robertson
- “Comparing Methods in Christian Origins,” with Willi Braun
- “On the Tantricization of Jain Ascetic Rituals,” with Ellen Gough
- “Presidentialism, or ‘Who’s Your Daddy?’ | Discourse! October 2020” with Hina Muneeruddin and Leslie Dorrough Smith
- “Reflections on ‘Thinking with Jonathan Z. Smith,’” with Aaron W. Hughes
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