How high is the cost of living in Hannover?
On average, the living expenses of students in Hannover amount to 700 to 800€ per month. You can find a detailed list here. Please note, however, that this is an average value and that the costs can vary greatly depending on your living situation and lifestyle. On average, students in Hannover have about 900€ at their disposal per month.
How high is the semester fee at Leibniz University Hannover?
The semester fee is currently €395.89 (winter semester 2023/2024). The composition and an overview of the included benefits can be found here.
How do I finance my studies?
You can find information on how to finance your studies and your stay in Germany through part-time jobs, scholarships, or other funding here.
How do I set up a transaction account (and why is that useful)?
In Germany, payments are usually made in cash or by bank transfer. Since many service providers do not accept credit cards, it is advisable to open a transaction account for your stay. Opening a transaction account is free of charge at many banks and only requires the presentation of your passport, registration certificate and proof from the citizens' registration office.
What is the broadcasting fee (Rundfunkbeitrag) and why do I have to pay for it?
In Germany, every household must pay the so-called broadcasting fee. This is a means of financing public broadcasting, which consists of television, radio and internet services. The basic monthly fee is €17.50 per home. Under certain circumstances, you can be exempted from the obligation to pay contributions. You can find information on this here.
Do I have health insurance as a student?
Students are usually liable to insurance deductions for health and long-term care insurance. More information on that can be found here.