Expenses for students on the home track
The Leibniz Universität Hannover does currently not charge tuition fees, only a semester fee. The semester fee is currently around 430 to 440 Euros and includes a semester ticket for public transport. More information on the semester fee is availble here.
- Expenses for students on the double degree track
Expenses for incomings from Rome and Stockholm
You can find more information about the costs of studying (incl. semester fees) in Hannover here.
Living costs: The prices of food, housing, clothing, culture and so on are roughly based on the EU-wide average for these goods. On average, approximately 850 to 900 euros are needed monthly for living expenses. In Hannover, about 300 to 500 EUR of this is for rent.
Funding and Scholarships
Funding in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme
The Institute for the Study of Religion maintains exchange cooperations with corresponding institutes at European universities within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. Our partners include institutes or departments at the following universities: University of Southern Denmark in Odense, Södertörns Högskola in Stockholm and Università Roma Tre. Our students can apply for a place in the Erasmus+ exchange cooperation with the above-mentioned universities every year until 15 January and receive a mobility grant if the applications are successful.